i freaking love my boyfriend i need to rant about him because hes literally the sweetest most caring boy in the entire universe i love him so so so so so so so much im planning on going to college with him in new york i jist need to tell my faav oomfie woomfies hes so fucking kind bro and handsome and a gentleman ee i have never loved a boy more at all hes so compassionate and genuine to me HE IS THE ACTUAL EPITOME OF A BEAUTIFUL SOUL not even words can explain him and how grateful i am he is the most flawless human to ever live (just like my oomfies) he just has this entire aura to his personality and it makes so many people attracted ti him frkm how kind he is, bro he is literally an angel and whats even craizet is HE HAS THE BEST HUNOR EVER hes like a happiness attractor. his patience with me is whag makes me love him anymore not once has he given up on me during my bpd episodes he is witterally my favorite part of living in conclusion, i love my boyfriend, but nobody will know who sent this !!