I’m about to vent about my ex so please please please continue scrolling before making sick remarks or whatever. I don’t want advice, I think I just need to get it out of my system.So we started dating last year in June. We had a good relationship, it was long-distance but it was healthy. Or at least I thought it was. He would come visit me and I would go visit him and we’d stay for long(weeks) in each other’s presence. He was the perfect gentleman, the man who was raised well and had the best manners. He was sweet, loving and he was all a girl would wish for in a guy. He was Bible-orientated, really believed in prayer. Really, I have no bad things to say about how the relationship started. It was beautiful in my eyes. Things started becoming rocky around October of 2021 when he first hit me through my face neqr the South Campus Tuck Shop while he was drunk, I also thought it was because he was drink and that he would never when he’s sober. But I stuck it out and thought those were just the ups and downs of a relationship, also I was very in love with this man. Things spiraled out of control during this year when we were living together. I’d been in a fight with my dad’s family while I was in the Eastern Cape (King William’s Town) and I was taking on so much strain that I decided to leave because my parents live in the Western Cape. This is how I moved into his room. During the #Sizofunda ngenkani campaign in January. All I had when I arrived at his place were the clothes on my back and the bag of clothes that were in my bag. He took me in because he understood the situation I was in, but I really feel he took advantage of that situation that I was in.He mistreated me, he stopped being affectionate and stopped telling me he loved me like he always did. His reason behind not telling me……