All my friends count on me being the “happy-go-lucky” one, theentertainment at a party, or the oneto go to for advice to makethemselves feel better.I’m an alcoholic with severe bulimiaand an inability to ever feel anythingbut numb. No one knows this, but Irefuse to ever let them know this.
Venting •
Truth •
Kings let us not be offended let’s stop dating broke women too. As long as they won’t need us when dildos and vibrators are no longer useful and after their dildos have pushed the G-spot up to their corpus callosum
Truth •
What is Vabbing? Basically you wear your vaginal fluids as perfume. You put your fingers inside yourself, dab your juice on your wrists, neck, behind the ears – wherever you’d normally put perfume. This will help you attract partners.
Truth •
However way you present yourselves in the physical, you will appear in the spirit realm. Sleeping naked is serving yourselves in a silver platter in the dreamworld. It’s like a woman going into a bear camp while being on her period or an injured man bleeding out in a shark tank. IT ATTRACTS DEMONS of lust. A person is most vulnerable in their sleep state.
Truth •
Women should avoid eating phallic-shaped fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, bananas, and carrots because having them might turn them on and it might make them do things off limits.
Truth •
Prostitution is literally extortion because they are withholding sex from me unless i give them money
Truth •
I had 4 miscarriages before my son was born. On his 8th birthday he said “mom I’m so glad I got to stay this time”. I said what Where did you go? He said I kept coming to you but your tummy was sick and I couldn’t stay. This last time was number 5 and I wasn’t gonna get to come back if I didn’t get to stay this time. I said are you talking about me having the 4 babies in heaven before you were born? Cause he had heard me talk about him being my rainbow baby. He said “yeah, only it was me every time, not four other babies mom it was me, I kept coming back cause I really wanted you to be my mommy”. I said how did you do that? He said “I just asked God to let it be me”. That following year we started going to church faithfully. He had never been to church before that
Truth •
i met my boyfriend of 3 years when 7 people on his football team was running a train on me and i had around 40 bodies then and he still loves me. its about energy and true love!
Strange •
So last night my son confessed that he wanted me to peg him. I decided to give it a try last night and it was a big mistake. I was honestly shocked when he told me he was into the idea of pegging and wanting to try it. He’s a very masculine man’s man so not the type at all you’d imagine would be into such things. I figured why not? I’ve seen him do it to me it doesn’t look hard and I’m not the one taking it, so why not? Well we went to the adult store, bought gear and plenty of lube and gave it a shot. Well it was hard to ease it into him but we finally got it in there. He seemed happy and once he loosened up I really started going to town on him. He was tied down, Which is new but it’s what he wanted. It was hard getting it into him at first but eventually we got there and I started getting into it and really went to town on him. eventually he shook his head to tell me it was time to stop. So I slowly stopped and liquid poop came gushing out of him like a river. All over the bed, the sheets, the towel we laid down and my legs and feet. It wouldn’t stop coming out of him so I did the only thing I could think of, I shoved the toy back in to stop the flow which made him scream loudly. Then I threw up, all over his back and he threw up all over the bed and nearly choked on his own vomit but of course he continued gagging and vomiting as did I until we were both done. We both were in……
Strange •
I’ll never forget when my then 4yo son said to me mommy, remember I was born but then I died and went to heaven and came back again because you were sad? and then he just went back to playing his tablet like it was nothing I miscarried a yr before he was born so my mind was blown.